Central China Display Laboratories, Ltd. (CCDL) is a National Key High -Tech Enterprise and CCDL is the founder of large outdoor display in China. In 1988, CCDL installed the first giant video display in Beijing Xiannongtan Stadium to serve for China’s First National Farmers Games held in Oct. 1988. This system has passed China National High-Tech Approval and such an honor is the only one in China big display industry so far, and then got 2nd rank of National Science and Technology Progress Award and this is the highest award so far in China’s big display industry. Furthermore, this system served also for the 11th Asian Games held in Beijing in 1990. In 1990, CCDL made the display system installed in the Beijing Workers Stadium, known as the main stadium of the 11th Asian Games. In 1998, there is another big success for CCDL as it won competitive tenders against large manufacturers such as Panasonic, Sony and Mitsubishi for the supply of LED display systems to Sydney Cricket and Football Stadiums for the Sydney Olympic Games. The famous down counters at Tiananmen Square for Hong Kong and Macau’s return to China are also made by CCDL.
CCDL is the world’s only company to produce all three categories of 3D LED video displays. In 1997, CCDL produced the world’s 1st shutter mode LED 3D video display. In 2010, CCDL produced the 1st naked-eye 3D LED display. In 2011, the world’s 1st Double Channel HD (DCHD) polarizing mode Stereoscopic Movie System was produced by CCDL.
Professor Chao Li, the president of CCDL is the only State-ranked Expert so far in China’s LED Industry and he is the Senior Advisor of 3D Imaging Technology Professional Committee of China Society of Image & Graphics.
The main features of CCDL’s 3D LED displays are: No defocusing, No misconvergence, No glare, No reflection, No dark or bright adaptation, especially no “3D Vertigo Syndrome” and this concerns human’s health, and the movie in all halls can be controlled in just one room. CCDL’s 3D LED video displays can be applied into school education systems, universities and relevant institutes for high rank experimental rooms such as CAVE systems or so, youth palace, museum of science and technology, any command centers, big enterprises, entertainments, shopping centers. It can play digital movies and compatible with 3D broadcasting TV. All its functions are much better than any projector systems. CCDL’s 3D technology is a significant revolution in movie industry and TV industry.